Eye care during the COVID-19 pandemic


The eyes, along with the nose and mouth, are another entry point for the Corona virus into the human body and for this reason health officials have advised against touching the face and frequently washing hands can avoid infection. Laboratory tests with monkeys have shown that a high percentage of infection reaches the body through face, making it an environment requiring special protection.

How can your eyes get affected by coronavirus?

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Coronavirus may spread through your eyes, just as it spreads through your mouth or nose. If someone with coronavirus coughs, sneezes or speaks, virus particles will spray onto your face from your mouth or nose. Such small droplets are likely to breathe in through the mouth or nose. Yet through your eyes, the droplets will reach your body too. You can even get infected after touching something that has the virus on it, by rubbing your eyes. Coronavirus may be able to cause a pink eye infection (conjunctivitis), but this is uncommon. If you have pink eye, don’t panic. Only contact your ophthalmologist to let them know about it, and follow their treatment instructions. Bear in mind that if a virus or bacteria triggers a pink eye, it can spread if anyone touches the sticky or runny eye discharge, or touches items tainted by the discharge. Frequently wash and sanitize your hands, and don't share towels, cups or utensils with anyone.

Ways to Protect Your Eyes

1. Wear glasses for protection against COVID-19: Caring for someone infected by the virus, consider wearing safety goggles, as wearing glasses will not provide adequate barrier protection, with the sides, tops and bottoms of the area around your eyes still exposed.

2. Glasses are better than contact lenses: Eye specialists warn that there is an additional danger for those wearing contact lenses because the silicone will catch the virus and give it a place where it can survive for up to five days. Doctors suggest wearing glasses to decrease the amount of hand contact that could result in coronavirus infection. Wearing glasses may add a protective layer

3. Wash glasses regularly with soap water: This has been done for decades by health-care professionals wearing glasses or protective goggles. This technique leaves a thin layer that decreases the surface tension that builds up from your body, keeping your vision clear.

4. Avoid rubbing your eyes: Breaking this natural habit can be difficult but doing so will reduce your risk of infection. Use a tissue instead of your fingers if you feel an urge to itch or rub your eye, or even adjust your glasses. Dry eyes may cause more rubbing, so consider adding moisturizing drops to the routine of your eyes.

5. Practice safe hygiene and social distancing: Washing your hands frequently and follow proper contact lens hygiene. Touching or rubbing your nose, mouth and eyes should be avoided completely.

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