Environmental management methods to control the vector of communicable diseases

Environmental management methods to control the vector of communicable diseases
Since a long time ago, some arthropods have been considered as causing disturbance and fear for humans and other living organisms. Transmission of various pathogens by insects and arthropods and the creation of large epidemics have endangered the lives of thousands of people and resulted in many deaths. These groups of arthropods that hurt and endanger human health are called health pests. Some arthropods develop disease directly in humans or animals; the disease of the scabies is infected by the contact with an infected person or contaminated equipment such as clothes and bed. The cause of this disease is fed from human skin. It penetrates and lay inside it. Bed bugs further cause harassment of humans. Larvae of some flies make the human and livestock ill by the activity and eating flesh of livestock or human. These insects cause contamination of human or animal living tissues and cause Myiasis disease. Myiasis indicators can attack and damage any tissue and organs. Habitat and breeding places are part of the life of harmful arthropods in aquatic environments, including mosquitoes. They are considered to be the most dangerous health pests and play a key role in the transmission of a large number of pathogens. A number of other female biting insects, such as stable flies, are lying in vegetal waste along the water streams or in the bed and under the straw. Cockroaches, by contaminating food through pathogens in the toilet and garbage, are responsible for transmitting bacterial diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, viral diseases such as polio, and allergic reactions such as skin discomfort, itching, flushing of the eyelids and respiratory incontinence, as well as cockroaches, carry eggs of parasite and single cell cysts in the environment.
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