Diseases of Yellow Vein Net

The occurrence, distribution, and disease incidence of yellow vein mosaic (YVM)
disease of kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) in northern India are reported. The
disease was found in both commercial and experimental farms in the Bahraich
district, Uttar Pradesh, India and caused significant reduction in plant height and
crop yield. Southern hybridization with begomovirus-specific probe and PCR
amplification with DNA β and coat protein primers confirmed the association of
begomovirus with the disease.
Survey of Virus Diseases and Sample Collection:
DNA Isolation- Total plant DNA was isolated from the symptomatic leaves of the collected
samples using the CTAB method (10). After electrophoresis on 0.8% agarose
gels the DNA was quantified by comparing the intensity of bands with known
concentration of uncut λ-DNA using Quantity One 1-D Analysis Software
(Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA).
Southern Hybridization with Begomovirus Specific Probe-DNA obtained from symptomatic leaf samples, collected from three villages and also from the Crop Research Station, was electrophoresed in a 0.8% agarose gel and then transferred to a nylon membrane. DNA
isolated from virus-free kenaf samples, grown under controlled
glasshouse conditions, served as the healthy control. Hybridization was
carried out following standard procedures (7) with a α-P³² radiolabeled
probe to DNA A of the Cotton leaf curl.
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for Virus Detection-PCR was done using viral coat protein primers designed for the Bhendi YVMV (8) and universal DNA β primers (2). In the previous study (5), DNA of the East Indian isolate of this virus amplified with these two
primer sets but not with the DNA A-specific primers of Cotton leaf curl
virus, Tomato leaf curl virus, and Mungbean yellow mosaic virus.
The present investigation has thus revealed the occurrence and
distribution of yellow vein mosaic disease of kenaf in different areas of
northern India. The disease produced marked height reduction and
directly affected fibre production. Germplasm accession KIN 108 was
found to be highly susceptible to YVMD. The DNA β satellite molecule
and coat protein gene have been found associated with different
begomoviruses such as Ageratum yellow vein virus (11), Cotton leaf curl
virus (9), and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (6). These viruses are
spreading rapidly in a devastating manner throughout different crops and
weed species in various parts of the world. Hybridization with the DNA A
probe and positive PCR amplification with primers for DNA β and the
Bhendi YVMV coat protein gene, as evident in the present investigation,
confirmed the association of begomovirus with this disease.
Media Contact:
Liza Parker
Journal Manager
Microbiology: Current Research
Email: aamcr@microbialjournals.com