Biomedical and Molecular Neuroscience

Biomedical and Molecular Neuroscience
In partnership with the Australasian Neuroscience Society, one of the largest annual biomedical conferences held in the Australasian region, Frontiers in Neuroscience Journal Series announces an article collection that will highlight cutting-edge research presented at the 2018 meeting from Monday 3rd - Thursday 6 December 2018 in Brisbane.
This Research Topic aims to collect examples of the most exciting and recent developments in the area of Neuroscience. We particularly encourage the submission of basic research reports, papers on translational studies in disease and thoughtful reviews. However, other articles types, for instance, papers describing significant methodological advances or providing thought-provoking novel concepts and theories, will also be considered.
How we work:
- After submission, an acknowledgement with manuscript number is sent to the corresponding author within 7 working days.
- A 21 day window time frame is allotted for peer-review process wherein multiple experts are contacted.
- Author proof is generated within 7 working days after the acceptance decision.
Benefits on Publication:
Open Access: Permanent free access to your article upon publication ensures extensive global reach and readership.
Easy Article Sharing: Our open access enables you to share your article directly with colleagues through email and on social media via a single link, permitting third party reuse with appropriate citation in addition to the retention of content copyright by the author.
Global Marketing: Through promotion in a targeted global email announcement or press release, your article will be seen by thousands of the top-most thought-leaders in your field.
Reprints: Distribute your work to colleagues and at conferences as we provide hard copy color reprints of your article on order.
Media Contact:
Nimmi Anna
Journal Manager
Allied Journal of Medical Research